
 ​What are the aims of homework?
Homework is important for the following reasons:

  • To involve parents in the learning process
  • To increase partnership with parents
  • To raise standards of achievement
  • To consolidate skills and understanding learnt at school
  • To encourage the use of resources at home, the library and elsewhere.
  • To ensure a consistent approach to homework throughout the school.
  • To ensure that teachers, parents and children have a clear understanding of learning outcomes.
  • To ensure that teachers, parents and children are fully aware of the role they play with regard to the pupil’s learning.

What is the purpose of homework?

  • To prepare, consolidate, reinforce and extend skills and understanding particularly in English and Maths.
  • To help raise the level of achievement of individual pupils.
  • To provide opportunities for parents and children to work together.
  • To allow parents to gain an understanding of what children are learning in school.
  • To allow children to progress towards becoming more independent learners.

Homework activities:

  • Assignments through Microsoft Teams for flipped and extended learning opportunities, including Reading Progress activities.
  • Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils can access Century which provides accelerated learning based on pupils needs in Reading SPAG, Maths and Science. 
  • Times Table Rockstars for practising times tables in challenging and competitive ways. 
  • Bug Club is an online resource that pupils have access to with a wide library of books that can be read online, many with matching tasks for the ability of the child.
  • Home reading books, task books and reading records are given to each child so that they can read often at home. The task book has activities related to the book that they have with a written task to complete. These are rewarded in school with stamps that can be collected to earn certificates.
  • Spellings practice
  • 55 Maths Clubs timestable practice
  • SPAG.com is an online resource that supports the use of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
  • Purple Mash is an online resource that supports using digital skills to enhance the whole curriculum.
  • Education City is an online resource that pupils have home access to with a range of activities to support learning in English, Maths and Science at their ability.
  • Flash Academy is a digital language platform teaching English to children who are EAL.
  • There are many other online resources that are encouraged, which can be found on the Kids Zone.

If your child does not have any of their passwords, which should be written in their reading record, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Blended Learning and Remote Learning

  • Pupils can use their Microsoft and other apps for a blended learning approach, either by carrying on learning from school at home, or with a flipped learning approach whereby work is done in advance of a lesson or activity to support prior knowledge.
  • Remote Learning allows for pupils to continue learning at home with support from some of the above apps. More information can be found here.