SHINE in History
We want all pupils to confidently understand significant events in History of Britain and the wider world and develop their knowledge and understanding using critical thinking and a range of evidence. We intend to evoke a passion for historical enquiry and how it influences their own lives today.
We will provide a fun, stimulating learning environment to ensure children experience enjoyment within their History lessons, where our learning walls are language rich and accessible to all. Pupil’s attitudes are acknowledged and praised which encourages and promotes their confidence in History.
We inspire all pupils through our inclusive History curriculum which encourages participation in the subject by all abilities. Pupils are motivated by having the opportunity to apply their new learning across the curriculum in other subjects. Through the wide range of trips and resources available to the History curriculum, children are inspired to gain and deploy a greater historical understanding and how views of the past have developed.
We will build strong relationships between pupils and teachers, where pupil voice is highly valued. We will scaffold and provide learning opportunities, whilst celebrating and supporting diversity, adapting a stimulating approach. At Bantock, we teach the History of the wider world, as well as Britain which ensures that all pupils are exposed to a range of cultures.
We will treat all pupils as individuals, monitoring their progress from their unique starting points and plan to ensure they understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed through a range of sources. It is essential that our pupils are familiar with timelines of events and specific key terminology to allow them to take accountability for their own learning, which can encourage thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information.


Curriculum Overview

Progression of Skills